"REIWA’s plan for prosperity post COVID-19 outlines recommendations that will help boost the economy and enable people to enter the property market. Find out what is included in the plan."
After four years of record low transactions, culminating in the lows of 2019 where there was a 55 per cent decrease in the number of sales compared to 2005, it’s clear that the property industry needs stimulus to attract buyers and investors back into the market.
REIWA President Damian Collins said the Western Australian property market is an integral part of the state’s economy which provides housing and a regular source of income for the State Government of WA.
“REIWA’s plan for prosperity post COVID-19 outlines recommendations that we believe will help boost the economy and enable more people to enter the property market,” Mr Collins said.
REIWA is calling on the WA Government to commit to a full state tax review and feasibility study of a two-stream revenue collection approach to stamp duty.
“A two-stream approach would allow buyers to decide whether to pay the stamp duty upfront, or whether to opt in for an annual fee for the duration of ownership, with the reduction in upfront costs encouraging more transactions with a significant flow on effect to economic activity,” Mr Collins said.
Not only is stamp duty a hindrance to affordability, it limits household’s ability to make appropriate housing decisions in accordance with their lifestyle choices, changing needs or economic reasons.
“In order to ensure WA has the right mix of housing options and diversity to meet the changing needs of the community, REIWA recommends that seniors’ households should be given the opportunity to right size and free up their existing housing by obtaining a concession on stamp duty costs for their next home,” Mr Collins said.
“The current 75 per cent stamp duty rebate for buyers of off-the-plan and under construction apartments has been vital in ensuring an ongoing pipeline of projects, which in turn ensures a steady supply of diverse housing and jobs for West Australians.
“If a person bought an off-the-plan apartment prior to the rebate they paid stamp duty on the combined value of the land and the build, compared to a house-and-land package that is taxed solely on the value of the land.”
To keep off-the-plan apartments in line with house-and-land packages, REIWA recommends making the 75 per cent rebate permanent.
WA is one of three states or territories that continues to collect stamp duty on a business purchase. A buyer who purchases a business to a value of $5 million will be liable for $251,415 in stamp duty.
“If stamp duty was abolished for the purchase of a small business, the potential saving could go towards employing five staff members on a full-time basis or 10 apprentices.
“With businesses facing even bigger challenges due to the impacts of COVID-19, we need to be encouraging people to buy small businesses which will create much-needed jobs, generate additional spending, as well as giving a helping hand to those who need to sell.”
In 2019, the number of first home buyers reached its lowest levels since 2011 at just 13,653 and of those, 8.285 were for established properties and 5,368 were new homes.
“Allowing first home owners access to the $7,000 grant for established homes could increase their purchasing power and encourage more buyers, resulting in more stamp duty from the trade-up market.” Mr Collins said.
Read the full submission made to the WA Government here.