Be wary of rental scams

7 December 2022

"REIWA is urging tenants to watch out for a potential scam, with the tight rental market being targeted by scammers who are constantly looking to take advantage of the situation. "

REIWA is urging tenants to watch out for a potential scam, with the tight rental market being targeted by scammers who are constantly looking to take advantage of the situation.  

REIWA members report seeing some of their rental listings advertised on lesser-known web sites. The details appear legitimate and include home open times, but the agent’s details may be missing, and tenants are told to contact the ‘owner’ after they have viewed the home open. 

Potential tenants may then be asked to pay upfront to secure the property and end up without a home and out of pocket. 

If you attend an agency’s home open, make an application through the agent. It can be very tempting to try and take a shortcut to get a foot in the door, but it may not be legitimate and is likely to be expensive. 

A similar scam sees properties advertised on lesser-known sites or through social media with tenants asked to email or DM the ‘owner’. They are then pressured into transferring bond money and/or rent before seeing the property or receiving a lease agreement.  

So far this year, WA ScamNet at Consumer Protection has received 40 reports of rental scams with 21 victims losing a total of $41,000. In 2021, there were 48 reports with 18 victims losing $32,320. 

To avoid scams like this, REIWA recommends using real estate portals and licensed agencies when looking for a rental. 

Searching for a rental through a real estate agency means you are dealing with real people face to face.  

A licensed agent will abide by residential tenancy laws and can actively help you find a rental by keeping you in mind when listings become available. That is why it is worth approaching your local real estate agencies and letting them know you are searching for a rental.;

A real estate agent is also legally obligated to follow the Code of Conduct, meaning you are protected throughout your tenancy agreement.  

Real estate portals, like, are your one stop shop for finding a rental and they offer fast, safe and free information to help you find a property that fits your needs.  

New rentals become available every day and are listed through registered agencies, so your security is guaranteed.  

You also can reap the benefits of the many tools has like alerts and Apply Now, which are designed to help tenants find and apply for rentals fast.   

If you believe you have been a victim of a scam or suspect a scam, visit WA ScamNet. General information and advice on scams is available on the website and you can lodge scam reports can be lodged.

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