
About Prevelly

Prevelly is a coastal townsite in the south west region, 287 kilometres south southwest of Perth and nine kilometres west of Margaret River. The area was privately subdivided around 1960, and named Prevelly Park by the developers. In 1977 the Shire of Augusta_Margaret River requested the development be declared a townsite, and the townsite of Prevelly was gazetted in 1978.

The naming of Prevelly is dedicated to the Monastery of Prevelli on the island of Crete. A Greek style chapel that was built at Prevelly as a tribute to the Greek community on Crete during the world war was officially opened 4 June 1979. Mr. E.G. Edwards, who sponsored the building of the chapel built the holiday village of Prevelly and named it after the Monastery of Prevelli on Crete. He built the chapel to commemorate the courage of Cretan villagers who helped him and other servicemen after they escaped from the Germans.

Prevelly quick stats

  • Postcode


  • Population


  • Local government

    Augusta-Margaret River

Sales growth
* Median sales price
Rental growth
* Median rental price

Nearby suburb growth




Margaret River

Suburb prices

Median price data last updated 28 April 2024 containing transactions for the 12 month period ending March 2024 Sales data is annual up to the latest completed month. Rental data is year-on-year 3-month rolling up to the latest completed month. Data in this graph is revised as more transactions are settled.
Source: Landgate/REIWA



  • 3BR




  • 3BR


Median price data last updated 28 April 2024 containing transactions for the 12 month period ending March 2024 Sales data is annual up to the latest completed month. Rental data is year-on-year 3-month rolling up to the latest completed month. Data in this graph is revised as more transactions are settled.
Source: Landgate/REIWA

Upper and lower quartiles

Upper quartile




Lower quartile


South West

Total percentage change in annual median house price over the last 1, 5 or 10 years.

Suburb interest level

Average online views per property

Based on current user activity, you can see how Prevelly compares to the rest of the region

This is based on views of residential properties for sale in this suburb within the last 14 days.


Margaret River Montessori School
  • Primary
  • Non-government
St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
  • Primary
  • Non-government

Property and demographics

Current residential listings for Prevelly

Agents active in this suburb