
This website/app is provided for information purposes only. While reasonable care is taken in its preparation, REIWA does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency of the content contained within this site or its usefulness in achieving any purpose.

Information is considered to be true and correct at the time of publication, however changes may occur after the time of publication. REIWA gives no assurances as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained.

Users of this site are responsible for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. REIWA will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred or arising by reason of any person using or relying upon the information contained within this site.

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Price Estimate

If you request a free In-depth Digital Property Report, supplied by CoreLogic then you consent to the use of your email address for the purposes described in our <Privacy Policy> including being contacted by real estate agents. The estimated value and estimate of selling range contained in the Report is only an estimate and is solely the result of an analysis of comparable property data collated by CoreLogic without taking into account any market conditions (including building, planning, or economic), and without identifying observable features or risks (including adverse environmental issues, state of repair, improvements, renovations, aesthetics, views or aspect) which may, together or separately, affect the value. It is also based on the property being freehold. The property information (including data) contained within the Report is not intended or designed to replace a full market valuation. If you need a property valuation for lending, tax or other purposes then you should seek a full market valuation from a registered valuer.”

reiwa.com Interactive map

The information displayed on the reiwa.com Interactive Map is provided solely on the basis that users will be responsible for making their own enquiries and assessment of the data presented. Before relying on the material in any important matter users should carefully evaluate the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the information for their purposes and should obtain appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. The information may not be accurate, complete, up-to-date or free from defects.

Unless otherwise specified, the following data sources have been used:

  • Department of Education
  • Google
  • Shared Location Information Platform (SLIP) managed by Landgate sources data from:
    • Landgate
    • Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES)
    • Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage
    • Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
    • Western Power *
    • Water Corporation
    • Public Transport Authority

Property boundary measurements and areas may not be exact measurements. To see exact measurements supplied by Landgate, please turn on the Cadastre layer, select individual property boundary lines for lot dimensions, and select the lot to see the lot area.

Note that easement information should not be relied upon for the identification of all easements that affect land. Those easements that are not captured can be identified by viewing the Certificate of Title and associated Deposited Plans or instruments.

As REIWA is reliant on external sources for the data contained in these maps, no warranty, guarantee or holding out, either expressed or implied is given and users or entities who pursue real estate investment or otherwise and act on the basis of this data do so at their own risk. Accordingly, to the fullest extent permitted by law, REIWA and its officers and employees do not accept any responsibility, liability or claim and are released from any responsibility or liability or claim (including in respect of negligence) for any loss, damage, cost and expense (regardless of whether the loss is direct, indirect or consequential) caused by use of or reliance on this website and the information contained on it.

Department of Education

As nearby schools data on reiwa.com has been sourced from the WA Department of Education, no warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied is given. Persons or companies who pursue real estate investment or otherwise based on this data do so at their own risk. The distance from this property to nearby schools is calculated in a straight line, and does not take into account school catchment zones. Please contact the schools directly for more information.

SLIP data sources

The Western Australian Government is committed to quality service to its customers and seeks to ensure accuracy, currency and reliability of information and transactions provided over the internet but this cannot be guaranteed. Accordingly, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the State of Western Australia and its officers and employees are released from liability (including in respect of negligence) for any loss, damage, cost and expense (regardless of whether the loss is direct, indirect or consequential) caused by use of or reliance on this website and the information contained on it.

The Western Australia Government has no control over the content of material accessible on any non-Western Australian Government websites regardless of whether a link to that external website is provided on this website. It is your responsibility to make your own decisions about the suitability, relevance, accuracy, currency, reliability and privacy practices of any external websites.

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The Western Australian Government accepts no liability if this website is temporarily or even permanently unavailable.

Western Power*

The Information provided by Western Power is limited in nature and is not a substitute for:

a.    the ‘Dial Before You Dig' service;

b.    a 'feasibility study1 performed by Western Power for the purpose of assessing the viability of a project; or

c.    a ‘technical evaluation’ performed by Western Power in circumstances where detailed technical advice relating to the Western Power network is required.

*Western Power does not make any representation, guarantee or warranty, express or implied that the contents of this website are or will be accurate or that reasonable care has been or will be taken by Western Power in compiling preparing or updating this website. This website may contain inaccurate, incomplete and outdated information and you should seek and rely upon your own independent enquiries, assessment and advice in relation to any advice or information contained in this website. Information on this website is unaudited unless specifically stated. To the extent permitted by statute, no liability (whether in negligence or tort, by contract or under statute or otherwise) is accepted by Western Power by reason of or in connection with this website or by any purported reliance thereon. By accessing or using this website you agree to irrevocably release Western Power from all claims, actions, damages, judgements, losses, remedies or matters whether in tort, contract or under statute or otherwise.