Have you considered using a buyer’s agent

Buyer’s agents can take the stress out of buying and investing in property. Find out how a REIWA buyer’s agent can help ensure the best outcome for your property purchase.

REIWA Councillor Hayden Groves
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When first deciding to buy a property, whether it be your first or fifteenth, one to live in or rent out, most buyers look to the internet for inspiration, information and insight.

The sheer volume of property information available online is staggering; the days of having to pour over the newspaper classifieds and spend countless hours dashing through home opens are behind us.

Lessened too are the days of buyers asking an agent to seek out a suitable property for them.

Before property industry de-regulation and the re-writing of the REIWA Members' Code of Practice, it was common for an agent to introduce a buyer to another agent's listing under a conjunctional arrangement and receive a handsome slice of the listing agent's fee.

The property boom of the mid-noughties brought with it limited market supply and high demand, thereby limiting the need for a listing agent to give up a portion of their fee to a sub-agent; they were simply able to deal with the buyers themselves.

The quieter, well-supplied market of the post-global financial crisis times saw the volume of buyers reduce and as a result the conjunctional came back into popularity. However, with a well-priced listing still an agent's priority, running about after a buyer on the chance of securing a sale for a small portion of the listing agent's fee no longer seemed worth it.

Enter the buyer's agent. Seizing on a growing gap in the market, a buyer's agent is paid by the buyer to act in their best interest. Time poor investor types find this service particularly worthwhile, however this is a valuable service that benefits first home buyers, seasoned trade-up buyers and renovators too.

What to look for in a buyer's agent?

A good buyer's agent will undertake substantial research before choosing a property to buy for their client, assessing yields, rents, affordability, suburb infrastructure, growth history and much more. And because the buyer's agent is acting on behalf of the purchaser, they negotiate with the listing agent in a manner that sets out to buy the property for the lowest possible price on favourable terms for their buyer.

Additionally, as this is a hired service, the buyer's agent is not seeking to claim a portion of the selling fee. They provide an excellent service to their clients, which also makes the listing agent's job easier. All negotiations are done through the buyer's agent, making it a smooth and efficient transaction for all parties.

Buyer's agents are growing in number in WA and so too is the demand for their services. If you are considering a property purchase, consider using the service of a buyer's agent to ensure you've got a professional looking out for your interests.

If you'd like to find out more about how a buyer's agent can help you, speak to one of REIWA's local property experts.