First appearances count in real estate

First appearances count for a lot in real estate, so it’s important your house looks as appealing as possible when trying to sell.

Brian Greig
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First appearances count for a lot in real estate, so it's important your house looks as appealing as possible when trying to sell.

Giving your home a facelift doesn't have to be expensive. In most instances a simple repainting, pruning or minor landscaping is all that is required, but be prepared to spend extra money if replacements are required for gutters and roofing.

A little effort goes a long way, so we've collated some ideas to help your home stand out at first glance.


Paving is an effective way to improve the appearance of your home as it gives the impression of more space.

Western Australian home buyers also increasingly appreciate the reduced maintenance and watering required that comes with extra paving.


If your home has a front fence it should be clean, painted or rendered. It might also be time to replace old wooden fences that separate your property from your neighbours.

This expense can be shared between neighbours and it's surprising the real difference it can make to your property's appearance.


Gutters and fascia boards are commonly overlooked. Replace leaky gutters and down pipes and connect these to soakwells.

This will prevent the pooling of water at the base and show prospective buyers that the property is well cared for.


Cracked tiles on roofs should be replaced along with any rusted iron sheets on metal roofs. New ridge capping on tiled roofs will also significantly improve the appearance of a home.

Pathways and driveways

Painting concrete pathways at the front of a home is a simple and effective way to smarten things up.

Cracked and potholed driveways should also be replaced or upgraded and check with your local council about possible financial assistance for new driveways that cross over the verge.

Doors and windows

The front door and windows are the 'eyes' of a home. Keep them clean and consider repainting or re-varnishing the door.

You might even replace an old door altogether with something more modern if that suits the style of the house. And you could add decorative external features on windows such as shutters or shade gables.


Overgrown trees and shrubs at the front of your home should be trimmed and tidied.

This may require an expert, but do think about pruning and don't rule out removing some trees if they interfere with the appearance of the home or ready access to it.


Ensure the front of your home looks inviting from the street.

If the letterbox has seen better days find a nice replacement. Make sure the porch or entry lamp is suitable and add a dash of colour to the front of your home with some potted annuals.