Tyrone Ha head shot

Tyrone Ha

Sales Associate

First Class Realty

8/225 Illawarra Cr South, Ballajura WA 6066

About Tyrone Ha

I take great pride in customer service and will give you my total focus in selling your valuable property. To make sure you fully understand, communication is key and I’ll keep you update on every step of the process.

I believe in “Acta Non Verba” and actions will always speak louder than words. As a Black Belt in martial arts, my experience and discipline will guide me both morally and ethically.

Outside of real estate, I take pride in giving back to the community by taking time to train and passing on my knowledge to help our young martial artists. I’m a DIY, love to travel and love my family to bits.

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Tyrone Ha

Tyrone Ha

First Class Realty

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