Tracy Reid head shot

Tracy Reid

Sales Executive

Acton | Belle Property Mandurah

Cnr Mandurah Tce and Hackett St, Mandurah WA 6210

About Tracy Reid

Tracy Reid
Sales Executive

It's not 'Just Another Property'! It's your home & I'll treat it that way!

I have been a 30 year resident of the Mandurah region and have excelled in sales for over 22 years. In all those years I have only worked for 2 agencies. I am very loyal to my clients and you will always know where to find me.

If you are thinking of selling, now is an excellent time to list your home. With interest rates at an all-time low, you can move on and buy your forever dream home now!

For premium award-winning service with exceptional results, discuss the sale of your property with me and my team. For simple down to earth courtesy, personalised and relaxed service with a smile, please phone me today!

About the REIWA awards

REIWA awards individuals and organisations for performance and consistent excellence About our awards

Tracy's awards

Silver Outstanding Achievement Award for ACTON 2015
Silver Outstanding Achievement Award for ACTON 2016
Silver Outstanding Achievement Award for ACTON 2018
Silver Outstanding Achievement Award for ACTON 2019
Silver Outstanding Achievement Award for ACTON 2020
Diamond Outstanding Achievement Award for ACTON 2021
Rate My Agent -Top Agent For Mandurah Award 2021

Tracy's statistics

Tracy Reid's statistics for the last 12 months on

Recent property sales













Most recent positive reviews for Tracy Reid

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Tracy Reid

184 reviews

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tracy was up front with costs and marketing of our property

44A Loxton Street, Dudley Park

tracy was very professional and understanding of our needs. kahlia was also prominent and helpful very pleasant we would recommend acton belle to anyone for a property to sell

Review submitted 19 March 2025
Verified review by the customer directly involved in the transaction

Review provided byRate my agent

Sticks with you!

40 Moondyne Ramble, Ravenswood

We actually Met close to two years ago when we were looking to buy a new home, unforeseen circumstances prevented that from going ahead, and over the next 2 years we backed and frothed several times before finally being able to put our home on the market. Tracy had responded to emails and texts consistently throughout the time even though she had not received any benefit from doing so, we went... Read more

Review submitted by Scott James Rogers & Jess (Vendor) 16 March 2025
Verified review by the customer directly involved in the transaction

Review provided byRate my agent

Great agent

21/98 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah

Tracy has been amazing helping me with my first home, would highly recommend her.

Review submitted 14 March 2025
Verified review by the customer directly involved in the transaction

Review provided byRate my agent

Thank You Tracy. Acton MANDURAH WA

86 Cooper St, Mandurah

Thank you for all your work Tracy. You are an amazing Real Estate Agent. It is always a pleasure working with you and your team. If any one is looking for a real estate agent that is the best in the business Tracy and her team are highly recommended. Kind Regards Natasha Oliveira

Review submitted by Natasha Oliveira (Vendor) 01 March 2025
Verified review by the customer directly involved in the transaction

Review provided byRate my agent

To view all reviews, including all positive and negative reviews for Tracy Reid on Rate my agent, follow the link below.

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Contact Tracy Reid

Tracy Reid

Tracy Reid

Acton | Belle Property Mandurah

Make contact with Tracy Reid

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