Clifton RealtyLot 114, Morgan Court, AustralindPrevious imageNext image$595,000save listingLot 114, Morgan Court, AustralindLandClifton RealtyStan CliftonStan CliftonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Clifton Realty37/11 Holman Street, Bunbury$990,000save listing37/11 Holman Street, Bunbury333ApartmentOpen Sat 22 Mar, 9:30 AM to 10:00 AMClifton RealtyStan CliftonStan CliftonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
New9/24 Blue Wren Dr, Eaton$425,000save listing9/24 Blue Wren Dr, Eaton211HouseAdded 5 days agoClifton RealtyShyloh HoveyShyloh HoveyEmail the agentCall|Contact form
42 Victoria Street, Bunbury$1,500.000+GSTsave listing42 Victoria Street, Bunbury507m2Vacant PossessionRetailClifton RealtyStan CliftonStan CliftonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
36 Wittenoom Street, Bunbury$750,000 + GSTsave listing36 Wittenoom Street, BunburyVacant PossessionLand/DevelopmentClifton RealtyStan CliftonStan CliftonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
152 Blair Street, South Bunbury$399,000save listing152 Blair Street, South Bunbury21HouseClifton RealtyStan CliftonStan CliftonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
2 Lyons Cove, Bunbury$2,900,000save listing2 Lyons Cove, BunburyLandClifton RealtyStan CliftonStan CliftonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
2 Lyons Cove, Bunbury$2,900,000save listing2 Lyons Cove, Bunbury1827m2Land/DevelopmentClifton RealtyStan CliftonStan CliftonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Clifton RealtyUnder offerLot 112, Rod Rise, Australind$445,000save listingLot 112, Rod Rise, AustralindLandClifton RealtyStan CliftonStan CliftonEmail the agentCall|Contact form