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Prop. Lot 328 Diliboort Drive, Mount Helena WA 6082

Price on Application
Under offer
  • Landsize 2,539m2
Prop. Lot 328 Diliboort Drive, Mount Helena WA 6082


Discover the perfect canvas for your dream home on this generous 2,539 sqm block in the charming suburb of Mount Helena. This new subdivision is the perfect site for the home of your dreams.

This level site is a short walk from primary and secondary schools, the local pool, the sports field and the friendly town centre.

- superb land release
- generous lot sizes
- underground power
- scheme water
- choice of 12 blocks
- fully fenced

New, quality, fully fenced subdivision located between Hummerston and Johnston Streets, Mount Helena. Titles available soon. Start planning your dream home in this quiet Hills location.

For further information, call Brad Williams on 0408 887 375.

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This land listing located in Mount Helena has been listed for sale by Brad Williams at Brookwood Realty.

If you would like to get in touch with Brad Williams regarding this listing, please call 0408 887 375 or contact the agent via email.

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Nearby schools

Mundaring Christian College
  • Combined
  • Non-government
Mundaring Primary School
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The Silver Tree Steiner School
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Mount Helena overview

Mount Helena is a rural and residential suburb 33 kilometres north of Perth. Established in the mid-1800s, Mount Helena's most significant development period didn't occur until the 1970s and 1980s. The suburb has a total land area of 29 square kilometres.

Life in Mount Helena

The numerous parks and reserves that provide Mount Helena with its beautiful rural backdrop are perhaps the suburbs most notable features. Some of these parks and reserves include Wooroloo Regional Park, Dargin Park, Pioneer Park and the Railway Reserves Heritage Trail. Also of note are the Mount Helena Aquatic Centre and several local schools such as Eastern Hills Senior High School and Mount Helena Primary School.

Mount Helena quick stats

High end $943k
Median $788k
Low end $719k
26.9 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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Brookwood Realty has listed this land at Prop. Lot 328 Diliboort Drive, Mount Helena for sale with a listing price of 'Price on Application'.

The median house price in Mount Helena is $788,000.

Nearby schools include Mount Helena Primary School, Eastern Hills Senior High School and Sawyers Valley Primary School.

Prop. Lot 328 Diliboort Drive, Mount Helena has been viewed 20 times on, and has appeared 4,565 times in search results.

You can calculate your mortgage repayments using our mortgage calculator.

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