Stocker Preston
This land listing located in Quindalup was sold by Louis De Chiera and Peter De Chiera at Ray White Stocker Preston.
If you would like to get in touch with Louis De Chiera or Peter De Chiera regarding PL 73 Wisteria Drive, Quindalup, please call Louis on 0418 909 899 or call Peter on 08 9755 3230, or contact the agent via email.
The townsite of Quindalup is located on Geographe Bay, 250 kilometres west southwest of Perth and 21 kilometres west of Busselton. The Quindalup area is the site of one of the state's earliest timber industries, and a timber mill was built here and timber exported through a jetty on the coast in the early 1860s. McGibbon and Yelverton used the name Quindalup in referring to their mill in the 1860s, and in the 1870s the government reserved land here. In 1899 a number of local fishermen in the area requested the Minister for Lands to subdivide the beachfront land. The Minister approved the subdivision, surveys of "working mens blocks" were made, and the townsite of Quindalup gazetted in 1899.
Quindalup is an Aboriginal name meaning "the place of quenda's". The Quenda is a small bandicoot common in the area.
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