Narrogin WA 6312

Under offer
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom



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This Narrogin property is a two bedroom, one bathroom house listed for sale by Dean Sims at Bellcourt Property Group South Perth.

For more information about Narrogin, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Narrogin profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with Dean Sims regarding this property, please call 0412 812 029 or contact the agent via email.

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Narrogin overview

The townsite of Narrogin is located in the great southern agricultural region, 192 km south east of Perth and 32 km east north east of Williams. It is located on the Great Southern Railway, and when this line was opened in 1889, Narrogin was one of the original stopping places. The railway line was a private line, and the Company that built the line declared a private townsite here in 1891. The railway was purchased by the Government in 1896, and in 1897 Narrogin was gazetted as a government townsite.

Narrogin is an Aboriginal name, having been first recorded as "Narroging" for a pool in this area in 1869. The meaning of the name is uncertain, various sources recording it as "bat camp", "plenty of everything" or derived from "gnargagin" which means "place of water".

Narrogin quick stats

High end $355k
Median $260k
Low end $208k
13.0 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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This property in Narrogin has been viewed 40 times on, and has appeared 3,918 times in search results.

This property in Narrogin is a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom house.

Nearby schools are currently unavailable for this property.

Bellcourt Property Group South Perth has listed this house in Narrogin for sale with a listing price of 'UNDER OFFER.'.