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81 Karri Street, Walpole WA 6398

Sold price: $235,081 Sold: 10 Mar 2022
  • Landsize 1,133m2
81 Karri Street, Walpole WA 6398

The Great Escape

Perfectly positioned at the quiet end of the street, this 1133m2 block is a blank canvas waiting to be built on. With views towards the Walpole Nomalup inlet that cannot be built out, it's your choice to either build your dream home or create a holiday home sanctuary. Located within walking distance to the golf course, country club and river.

Listing snapshot by

This land listing located in Walpole was sold by Lees Standley at Barr & Standley.

If you would like to get in touch with Lees Standley regarding 81 Karri Street, Walpole, please call 0437 208 722 or contact the agent via email.

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Walpole overview

The townsite of Walpole is located on the south coast, 423 kilometres south southeast of Perth and 66 kilometres west of Denmark. It derives its name from Walpole Inlet, being located on the shore of the inlet. Walpole Inlet takes its name from the river flowing into it discovered by Captain Thomas Bannister in 1831, and named by Governor Stirling after Captain W Walpole with whom he served on the "Warspite" in 1808.

In 1910 the government set aside land in the Walpole area as a national park, and in the following years and in the 1920s the area became a popular tourist destination. In 1929 the railway line reached Nornalup, 13 kilometres east of Walpole, and in 1930 the Nornalup Reserves Board proposed the development of an area for small suburban lots for holiday cottages on Nornalup Inlet. A site was selected for a townsite in 1932 and lots surveyed in 1933. When the townsite was gazetted in 1933 the name Walpole was preferred, but it was named Nornalup, as it was believed the name Walpole had already been used in Tasmania. Confusion soon arose, as the name Nornalup related more to the railway terminus 13 km east on the Frankland River. A number of renaming options were considered before the Post Office confirmed that there wasn't a Walpole in Tasmania, and so in 1934 Nornalup was renamed Walpole.

Walpole quick stats

High end $579k
Median $495k
Low end $443k
15.1 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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81 Karri Street, Walpole sold on 10/3/2022 for $235,081.

The median house price in Walpole is $495,000.

The average number of selling days in Walpole is 175 days.