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80 Widgee Road, Noranda WA 6062

Under offer
  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
  • 2 Cars

Great Location

4 Bedroom 2 bathroom home on a 680sqm block.

Please contact Nigel Ross for Further Details

Property features

  • Carports 2

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This property at 80 Widgee Road, Noranda is a four bedroom, two bathroom house listed for sale by Nigel Ross at Ross Realty WA.

For more information about Noranda, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Noranda profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with Nigel Ross regarding 80 Widgee Road, Noranda, please call 0449 982 201 or contact the agent via email.

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Nearby schools

Morley Senior High School
  • Secondary
  • Government
Camboon Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government

Noranda overview

Noranda is an established suburb with significant parklands in its eastern precinct. Bound by Reid Highway in the north and Tonkin Highway in the east, Noranda was settled in the late 1800s when the land was mainly used for farming. It wasn’t until the late 1960s that substantial property development occurred.

Life in Noranda

A classic suburban lifestyle is enjoyed in Noranda. With plenty of parks and reserves colouring its landscape, residents have lots of public open space to explore, such as the Lightning Swamp Bushland, Ivory Park and Luderman Park.

There are local junior sporting clubs for football, cricket and netball, as well as two local state primary schools. Noranda Shopping Village services the area’s immediate shopping and amenity requirements.

Noranda quick stats

High end $991k
Median $850k
Low end $750k
19.6 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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The median house price in Noranda is $850,000, the median unit price is $500,650.

Nearby schools include Morley Senior High School, Camboon Primary School and North Morley Primary School.

Ross Realty WA has listed this house at 80 Widgee Road, Noranda for sale with a listing price of 'CONTACT AGENT'.

There are currently no home opens scheduled for 80 Widgee Road, Noranda.