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7 Westlake Street, Wilson WA 6107

  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • Landsize 801m2
7 Westlake Street, Wilson WA 6107


For more information, please contact selling agent Rhett Pace.

This information is provided for general information purposes only and is based on information provided by the Seller and may be subject to change. No warranty or representation is made as to its accuracy and interested parties should place no reliance on it and should make their own independent enquiries.

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This property at 7 Westlake Street, Wilson is a three bedroom, one bathroom house listed for sale by Rhett Pace at The Agency.

For more information about Wilson, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Wilson profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with Rhett Pace regarding 7 Westlake Street, Wilson, please call 0424 286 721 or contact the agent via email.

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Wilson Primary School
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Bentley Primary School
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  • Government
Al-Hidayah Islamic School
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Wilson overview

Development of the Wilson area began in 1954 when the State Housing Commission resumed some land and T.M. Burke Pty Ltd subdivided some adjoining land. After dispute on the name of the suburb, it was not until January 1960 that the name Wilson was approved for the suburb.

Life in Wilson

Wilson is bounded by Manning Road in the north, Fleming Avenue in the east, the Canning River in the south, and the City of South Perth and Centenary Avenue in the west. Located only nine kilometres from the city and three kilometres from Curtin University's Bentley Campus, Wilson is a popular suburb for students with direct bus routes to both destinations. 

Wilson quick stats

High end $920k
Median $761k
Low end $600k
17.1 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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7 Westlake Street, Wilson is a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house.

There are currently no home opens scheduled for 7 Westlake Street, Wilson.

7 Westlake Street, Wilson has been viewed 487 times on, and has appeared 16,414 times in search results.

The median house price in Wilson is $761,000, the median unit price is $437,944.

The average number of selling days in Wilson is 11 days.