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61 Yardi Quays, Brockman WA 6701

  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
61 Yardi Quays, Brockman WA 6701


Constructed by the award winning builder Northern Aspect Constructions. This grand 4 bedroom 2 bathroom waterfront residence, with it's own floating jetty is offered for sale for the first time since it was built. There are so many appealing features to this property from the double lock up garage at the front of the property, to the expansive deck overlooking the waterfront and floating jetty. No expense has bee spared in regards to the fittings and fixtures. The kitchen is amazing with top of the line appliances, stone bench tops, walk in pantry and heaps of storage. Open plan kitchen/dining and lounge area overlooking the water views will blow you away. Individual zone control split system air conditioning and security system will keep you cool and give you piece of mind. All the bedrooms have built in robes and a larger than your average room. Two bathrooms, second toilet ideal for a large family or guests, one of the bathrooms has a full sized bath. Located in Northwater a short stroll to Carnarvon CBD, close to everything makes this the perfect location. Currently leased to a corporate client who would like to continue leasing the property, will be of interest to investors as well. Inspections will impress so call Outback Coast Property to book your inspection today!

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This property at 61 Yardi Quays, Brockman is a four bedroom, two bathroom house listed for sale by Burke Maslen at Outback Coast Property.

For more information about Brockman, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Brockman profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with Burke Maslen regarding 61 Yardi Quays, Brockman, please call 0409 265 156 or contact the agent via email.

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St Mary Star Of The Sea College
  • Combined
  • Non-government
Carnarvon Christian School (Inc)
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  • Non-government

Brockman overview

Are you interested in buying, renting or investing in Brockman? Here at REIWA, we recognise that choosing the right suburb is not an easy choice.

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Brockman quick stats

High end $328k
Median $285k
Low end $205k
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-26.0 %
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Outback Coast Property has listed this house at 61 Yardi Quays, Brockman for sale with a listing price of $900,000.

Property features are currently unavailable for this property.

61 Yardi Quays, Brockman is listed for sale by Burke Maslen at Outback Coast Property.

You can contact the agent here.

The average number of selling days in Brockman is 70 days.

You can calculate your mortgage repayments using our mortgage calculator.