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4 Conroy Street, Katanning WA 6317

Under offer
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • Landsize 2,023m2
4 Conroy Street, Katanning WA 6317


This cute cottage will provide its new owners with a myriad of options due to the large block size and location of the home on the block.
Perfect if you are a first home buyer looking to get into the market with a fully fenced sizeable yard. Or for the investor looking to land bank for the future with a rental income along the way. The home itself is very livable and has features from a bygone era with pressed tin paneling, feature fire place and polished wood floors. The home is comfortable with split system air conditioning, kitchen dining area and bathroom off the end of the kitchen, three bedrooms and a nice loungeroom to unwind in. Out the back is a small corrugated iron building which houses the laundry and electric HWS. With such a large block the options are endless. Access into the yard can be found off both Coate Street and Conroy Street via gates with the high color bond fence ensuring complete privacy. The block has also been surveyed providing the ability to have 3 vacant blocks along with the house block making it an ideal proposition for the budding developer. Call Exclusive Selling Agent Suzie Perrin on 0438 545 265 to view this little gem today.

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This property at 4 Conroy Street, Katanning is a three bedroom, one bathroom house listed for sale by Suzie Perrin at Elders Real Estate.

For more information about Katanning, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Katanning profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with Suzie Perrin regarding 4 Conroy Street, Katanning, please call 0438 545 265 or contact the agent via email.

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Nearby schools

Braeside Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government
Katanning Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government
Katanning Senior High School
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  • Government

Katanning overview

Are you interested in buying, renting or investing in Katanning? Here at REIWA, we recognise that choosing the right suburb is not an easy choice.

To provide an understanding of the kind of lifestyle Katanning offers, we've collated all the relevant market information, key facts, demographics and statistics to help you make a confident and informed decision.

Our interactive map allows you to delve deeper into this suburb and locate points of interest like transport, schools and amenities. 

Katanning quick stats

High end $363k
Median $283k
Low end $200k
23.0 %
Annual growth
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The average number of selling days in Katanning is 30 days.

The median house price in Katanning is $283,000, the median unit price is $130,000.

There are currently no home opens scheduled for 4 Conroy Street, Katanning.

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Nearby schools include Braeside Primary School, Katanning Primary School and Katanning Senior High School.