4/159 Fairway, Crawley WA 6009

Under Offer by Reilly Cunningham
  • 1 Bedroom
  • 1 Bathroom
  • Landsize 41m2
4/159 Fairway, Crawley WA 6009


After breaking a complex record with the $361,000 sale at a bedroom unit at 19/159 Fairway in May 2024, I now have another 1 bedroom unit at 4/159 Fairway under offer for $380,500 - eclipsing my own record sale by $19,500!

For more Information or if you are looking to sell, please contact your Area Specialist, Reilly Cunningham, on 0415 222 970 or [email protected]

Property snapshot by reiwa.com

This property at 4/159 Fairway, Crawley is a one bedroom, one bathroom unit listed for sale by Reilly Cunningham at Area Specialist PTY LTD.

For more information about Crawley, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Crawley profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with Reilly Cunningham regarding 4/159 Fairway, Crawley, please call 0415 222 970 or contact the agent via email.

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Nedlands Primary School
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Loreto Nedlands
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Dalkeith Primary School
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Crawley overview

Crawley is a small suburb located within the municipality of the City of Perth. Home to the University of Western Australia, the state's oldest university, a large portion of the suburbs demographic is made up of students who reside within Crawley Village, a collective group of properties owned and operated by the university.

Life in Crawley

Beautiful scenery at every turn defines the Crawley landscape. With the banks of the Swan River at its door steps and the beautiful skyline of Perth City within view, the stunning vistas of the suburb will never tire. Features of note include the Matilda Bay Restaurant and Bar which presents a fine dining experience on the water and the Royal Perth Yacht Club, which is often used as a stunning venue for weddings and other celebratory occasions.

Crawley quick stats

High end $1.7m
Median $1.4m
Low end $1.3m
7.7 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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4/159 Fairway, Crawley is a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom unit.

Area Specialist PTY LTD has listed this unit at 4/159 Fairway, Crawley for sale with a listing price of 'Under Offer by Reilly Cunningham'.

Property features are currently unavailable for this property.

The average number of selling days in Crawley is 15 days.

The median house price in Crawley is $1,362,000, the median unit price is $700,000.