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3a Beacon Close, South Hedland WA 6722

Sold price: $440,000 Sold: 22 Jun 2021
  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
  • 4 Cars
  • Landsize 314m2
3a Beacon Close, South Hedland WA 6722


Investors Alert Corporate Lease @$700 per week Until Jan 2022 Starting at 8.08% ROI

Located in a quiet cul de sac close to the water park and upgraded JD Hardie center this property is sure to delight any family. This four bedroom, two bathroom home features open plan living and split system air conditioning throughout.

Property features include:
- Four bedroom, two bathroom home
- WIR and ensuite to master bedroom
- BIR to remaining three bedrooms
- Open plan living area
- Kitchen with ample storage
- Split system air conditioning throughout
- Undercover outdoor entertaining area
- Rear grassed yard
- Double carport with additional parking available
- External storage shed

To view this property contact Lisa Jones 0407 196 689
and Bruce Bailey 0467 625 507

Crawford Realty makes every effort to ensure the information provided on this property is deemed to be correct at the time of publishing. Any referenced return on investment is a gross return and is approximate. Prospective buyers should view the property before making their decision.

Property features

  • Air conditioned  
  • Garages 2
  • Carports 2

Property snapshot by

This property at 3a Beacon Close, South Hedland is a four bedroom, two bathroom house sold by Lisa Jones and Bruce Bailey at Crawford Realty on 22 Jun 2021.

Looking to buy a similar property in the area? View other four bedroom properties for sale in South Hedland or see other recently sold properties in South Hedland.

Cost breakdown

  • Council rates: $2,115 / year
  • Water rates: $1,463 / year

Nearby schools

Baler Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government
Hedland Senior High School
  • Secondary
  • Government
Cassia Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
  • Primary
  • Non-government
Strelley Community School
  • Combined
  • Non-government

South Hedland overview

Are you interested in buying, renting or investing in South Hedland? Here at REIWA, we recognise that choosing the right suburb is not an easy choice.

To provide an understanding of the kind of lifestyle South Hedland offers, we've collated all the relevant market information, key facts, demographics and statistics to help you make a confident and informed decision.

Our interactive map allows you to delve deeper into this suburb and locate points of interest like transport, schools and amenities. 

South Hedland quick stats

High end $642k
Median $496k
Low end $390k
0.8 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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Crawford Realty

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The median house price in South Hedland is $496,250, the median unit price is $289,500.

The average number of selling days in South Hedland is 40 days.

3a Beacon Close, South Hedland was sold by Lisa Jones and Bruce Bailey at Crawford Realty.

You can contact the agent here.

Other properties by Crawford Realty
