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2 Hay Entrance, Pinjarra WA 6208

Sold price: $385,600 Sold: 31 May 2023
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
  • 2 Cars
  • Landsize 501m2


It can be a delicate balance finding the happy medium between a modern home and having enough room to live life without being consumed by maintenance. How does an open plan 3x2 with all the necessities covered sound? Add to this, walking distance to all that Pinjarra has to offer including schools, bowling club, and the shopping centre just to name a few. Finally, a 501m2 corner block with enough room to build a decent shed and have good access should you so desire! Well worth a look if you are in the market for that property that just fits the modern day person. Phone Brad Mercer - 0438 381 083.

Property features

  • Garages 2

Property snapshot by

This property at 2 Hay Entrance, Pinjarra is a three bedroom, two bathroom house sold by Brad Mercer at Mercer Bryant First National Real Estate on 31 May 2023.

Looking to buy a similar property in the area? View other three bedroom properties for sale in Pinjarra or see other recently sold properties in Pinjarra.

Nearby schools

Pinjarra Senior High School
  • Secondary
  • Government
Pinjarra Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
  • Primary
  • Non-government

Pinjarra overview

The townsite of Pinjarra is located in the south west agricultural region, 87 km south of Perth and 21 km south east of Mandurah. It is located near a ford over the Murray River, and land was reserved for a townsite here in 1831. Surveys were carried out in 1836 and land allocated to settlers in 1837. The name was often shown spelt "Pinjarrup" on early maps, and the accepted spelling for many years was "Pinjarrah". There are conflicting theories regarding the meaningof this Aboriginal name. It is usually said to mean "place of a swamp", but it is more likely named after the "Pindjarup" tribe, the Aboriginal group that frequented this area.

Pinjarra quick stats

High end $638k
Median $533k
Low end $455k
22.5 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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The median house price in Pinjarra is $533,000, the median unit price is $245,000.

2 Hay Entrance, Pinjarra was sold by Brad Mercer at Mercer Bryant First National Real Estate.

You can contact the agent here.
