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15 Wade Street, Joondanna WA 6060

$750.00 pw
Available 12 December 2024
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
Added 4 days ago

Come view this character home

You will be impressed with this 3 bedroom 2 bathroom character house.

This home offers open plan kitchen, living, meals with high ceilings and polished floorboards throughout. Located in a quiet street and close to a park. Well appointed spacious kitchen includes plenty of cupboard space, stone benchtops, dishwasher, island bench with natural light coming through.

Features include:
* 3 bedrooms
* 2 bathrooms
* Separate Laundry
* Main bedroom large built-in-wardrobe
* Alarm System
* Dishwasher
* Air-conditioning


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Property features

  • Date available 2024-12-12

Property snapshot by

This property at 15 Wade Street, Joondanna is a three bedroom, two bathroom house listed for rent by Property Management at Limnios Property Group.

For more information about Joondanna, including rental data, facts, property ownership types, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Joondanna profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with Property Management regarding 15 Wade Street, Joondanna, please call 08 9328 3866 or contact the agent via email.

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Nearby schools

St Kieran Catholic Primary School
  • Primary
  • Non-government
Servite College
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  • Non-government
Tuart Hill Primary School
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  • Government

Joondanna overview

The first of the northern suburbs which were born in the post War period of the 1940s was Joondanna. Originally named Joondanna Heights, Joondanna was chosen after the Perth Road Board launched a competition to find a suitable name in 1939. The competition was won by Mrs A Curtis of Donnybrook who suggested Joondanna as this was the name given by a Mr. Banks to his property. He is believed to have been the first settler and owner of land in the area. 

Life in Joondanna

Joondanna contains a number of small shops to cater for daily grocery needs. The largest park within the region surrounds the water tower on Roberts Street and Albert James Park also provides for passive recreation. Joondanna also contains a primary school and a home for seniors.

Joondanna quick stats

High end $862pw
Median $700pw
Low end $700pw
0.0 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
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15 Wade Street, Joondanna is listed for rent by Property Management at Limnios Property Group.

You can contact the agent here.

15 Wade Street, Joondanna is a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house.

There are currently no home opens scheduled for 15 Wade Street, Joondanna.

15 Wade Street, Joondanna is listed for rent at $750.00 pw.