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114 Goodliffe Street, Norseman WA 6443

  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 1 Car
114 Goodliffe Street, Norseman WA 6443

Great Investment!

This neat and tidy 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home is ready for it's next owner and comes with a long term government lease with a weekly rental return of $300.00 per week. The home consists of a kitchen with a separate dining room, separate lounge room with tile fire. Good size bedrooms and bathroom and kitchen have been updated. Freshly painted throughout, with new curtains and carpets, gas hot water system, and gas pigtails. Also has functional ducted air conditioning. The yard is fully enclosed and has side access through gates to a shed. Single carport. Block size 1012m2.

Property features

  • Carports 1
  • Toilets 1

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This property at 114 Goodliffe Street, Norseman is a three bedroom, one bathroom house listed for sale by Lea Dowsett and Laurie Fyfe at Esperance Real Estate.

For more information about Norseman, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Norseman profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with Lea Dowsett or Laurie Fyfe regarding 114 Goodliffe Street, Norseman, please call Lea on 08 9071 2333 or call Laurie on 0411 090 318, or contact the agent via email.

Cost breakdown

  • Water rates: $282 / year

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Nearby schools

Kambalda Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government

Norseman overview

The goldmining town of Norseman is located in the eastern goldfields, 724 kilometres east of Perth and 206 kilometres north of Esperance. Gold was discovered here in July 1894 by Lawrence Sinclair and his horse "Norseman" The gold find was named "Norsemans Find" and most records state that Sinclair named it after his horse, although Sinclair was himself of Norse descent from the Shetland Islands.

By January 1895 there were over 200 miners working the goldfields here, and the Mining Warden, Arthur Hicks, requested declare a townsite. The local progress association soon added pressure for a townsite, and lots were surveyed in April 1895. A number of names were proposed for the townsite, but local usage of Norseman resulted in the Minister for Lands selecting this name. The townsite was gazetted in May 1895. The Aboriginal name of the area is Jimberlana.

Norseman quick stats

High end $95k
Median $48k
Low end $30k
This listing
-32.1 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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There are currently no home opens scheduled for 114 Goodliffe Street, Norseman.

114 Goodliffe Street, Norseman is listed for sale by Lea Dowsett and Laurie Fyfe at Esperance Real Estate.

You can contact the agent here.

The median house price in Norseman is $47,503.

You can calculate your mortgage repayments using our mortgage calculator.

Nearby schools include Norseman District High School, Salmon Gums Primary School and Kambalda Primary School.