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111 MacDonald Street, Coolgardie WA 6429

Listed price: $15,000 Sold: 14 Jul 2021
  • Landsize 1,012m2
111 MacDonald Street, Coolgardie WA 6429

Residential Land for Sale in Coolgardie

This lot is located close to amenities, providing a great opportunity to be a part of this close-knit regional community.

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This land listing located in Coolgardie was sold by Chris Hoycard at John Matthew & Sons.

If you would like to get in touch with Chris Hoycard regarding 111 MacDonald Street, Coolgardie, please call 0408 958 953 or contact the agent via email.

Nearby schools

Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School
  • Combined
  • Non-government
Coolgardie Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government
Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School - Kurrawang
  • Primary
  • Non-government

Coolgardie overview

Coolgardie is one of the major towns in the goldfields of Western Australia, and is located 510 kilometres east of Perth. Gold was discovered here by Bailey and Ford in 1892, and the townsite of Coolgardie was gazetted in 1893. At its peak in 1900 it had 23 hotels, three breweries, six banks, two stock exchanges and three daily and four weekly newspapers. The population then was 15,000, with 25,000 more in the area.

Coolgardie is an Aboriginal name of uncertain meaning. Different sources give it as meaning "a rockhole surrounded by mulga trees" ( the mulga tree is named "koolgoor"), from "coolgabbi" meaning a tree near a waterhole, or after the large Bungarra lizard, pronounced "Coorgardie"by the Aborigines. It is claimed that Warden John Finnerty was the first to record the name, having asked local Aborigines the name of the place. The name was difficult to spell, and what some claim is "Golgardi", was spelt by Finnerty as Coolgardie.

Coolgardie quick stats

High end $218k
Median $150k
Low end $118k
This listing
-7.4 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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The average number of selling days in Coolgardie is 20 days.

111 MacDonald Street, Coolgardie was sold by Chris Hoycard at John Matthew & Sons.

You can contact the agent here.

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