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1 Wandoo Parade, Wundowie WA 6560

Sold price: $65,000 Sold: 01 Jul 2022
  • 1 Bedroom
  • 1 Bathroom
  • Landsize 276m2
1 Wandoo Parade, Wundowie WA 6560


Seemingly endless opportunities to start your business in Wundowie!

A very neat area, opposite the town pool and in the heart of the business district.

Approx 30m2 of shop with land at the rear for storage. Block area of 276m2 - an absolute bargain!

This property is also next door to the Wundowie Club, giving lots of exposure.

For more information contact Roger Smith from Ray White Midland and Hills today!

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This property at 1 Wandoo Parade, Wundowie is a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment sold by Roger Smith at Ray White Midland & Hills on 01 Jul 2022.

Looking to buy a similar property in the area? View other one bedroom properties for sale in Wundowie or see other recently sold properties in Wundowie.

Nearby schools

Wundowie Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government
Wooroloo Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government

Wundowie overview

The townsite of Wundowie is located in the Darling Range 72 kilometres east northeast of Perth and 31 kilometres west southwest of Northam. It is located adjacent to the original railway track from Perth to Northam, and in 1907 the Railways Department applied for a name for a newly constructed siding at the 53 Mile between Werribee and Karrijine. The name Wundowing was suggested by the Lands Department, and this was shortened to Wundowi by the Surveyor General.

In 1943 the government decided to commence preliminary work for a blast furnace and wood distillation plant at Wundowie, and to develop a townsite for the workers. Following the survey of lots in 1946 the townsite of Wundowie was gazetted in 1947. Wundowie derives its name from Woondowing Spring, an Aboriginal name for a nearby spring first recorded in 1874. The spelling for the siding was changed according to rules for spelling Aboriginal names adopted by the Lands Department. The meaning of the name is not known, but but it has been suggested it may be derived from Ngwundow, meaning "to lie down".

Wundowie quick stats

High end $440k
Median $333k
Low end $283k
This listing
29.3 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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1 Wandoo Parade, Wundowie is a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment.

The average number of selling days in Wundowie is 13 days.

1 Wandoo Parade, Wundowie was sold by Roger Smith at Ray White Midland & Hills.

You can contact the agent here.
