REIWA announces inaugural Rural Hall of Fame inductee

26 July 2023

"Rob McMillan from AWN has won the inaugural REIWA Rural Hall of Fame Award, presented at the Rural Seminar and Sundowner on 21 July."

Rob McMillan from AWN has won the inaugural REIWA Rural Hall of Fame Award, presented at the Rural Seminar and Sundowner on 21 July.

The prestigious award is a first of its kind among Australia’s real estate institutes and honours excellence and best practice in the real estate profession, celebrating the exemplary individuals who have made a significant contribution to the rural real estate landscape of Western Australia.

It is intentionally designed to recognise the significant contribution that rural real estate agents make in their communities, and the complex nature of rural property transactions, rather than just sales data.

Rob is the first of an esteemed group of rural professionals to be officially recognised by the Institute.

He has a long history in the industry, starting in 1970 as a livestock agent, learning from industry leaders in the early stage of his career, and now shares his knowledge and experience with others.

Speaking about how the industry has changed, Rob shared a memory of walking through a property from front to back, writing a property appraisal on a matchbox and simply showing this to the client.

“I’ve seen a lot of things change in the industry, and it’s all been for the better,” he said.

“The biggest change to me is the training. The training within the rural industry is so much better today. Traditionally, you would learn on-the-job from the masters, but today you have to be as knowledgeable as the farmer to discuss and sell a rural property.”

He shared that a rural agent doesn’t simply sell a home, they sell an ancestral home and business that has often been in the family for generations.

“You have to deal with clients in all factors, be it mentally, physically or emotionally. I think those entering this sector of the industry have to be aware of the emotional side of selling a rural property.”

Rob is committed to training and improving the industry. He joined the REIWA Training team in 2012, redeveloping the Diploma program to take rural training out of the classroom and into the field, allowing metropolitan-based agents to better understand the technicalities and intricate dealings associated with rural sales.

He applies his commitment to training to himself, undertaking more professional development than is legally required, always in pursuit of learning something new.

Rob said he was humbled by the award. He wasn’t aware he had been nominated.

“I didn’t quite realise that I had such an influence on people going back so long,” he said.

“The Rural Hall of Fame Award is an important recognition of those who sit behind the scenes and push others to the forefront. They may not be the high performers themselves but sit back and support others to excel,” he said.

The Rural Hall of Fame Award marks the beginning of REIWA’s Rural Awards program, which also includes two new categories at the Awards for Excellence (AFE) 2023.

Rob welcomed the addition of these awards, which he said showed REIWA’s recognition and appreciation of the rural sector as a specialised area within real estate.

REIWA congratulates Rob on his award and looks forward to celebrating the accomplishments of more rural agents over the coming years.

Pictured above: REIWA President Joe White, Rural Hall of Fame Inductee Rob McMillan, REIWA CEO Cath Hart, Rural Committee Chair Mark Murray. 

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