Whether you’re a long time tenant or just getting started, the relationship you develop with the property manager and owner of your rental home is important.
Full disclosure between both parties is integral to a smooth tenancy, so it’s important that when you apply for your lease and throughout its duration that you’re upfront and honest with your property manager.
Here are four things to tell your property manager about.
1. Pets
Many West Aussies are attached to their furry friends, so finding suitable accommodation that welcomes your pet is a priority for many people.
In some instances, this can be challenging, but increasingly rental property owners are becoming more lenient on allowing pets to live in the home. Be sure to be upfront and honest with your property manager about whether you own a pet. Keeping this a secret would only lead to hassles down the track.
If you move into a rental home without a pet and then decide during your tenancy that you’d like one, you need to first seek written permission from your owner through the property manager.
Alternatively, if you’ve found a rental home that allows your pet and that pet unfortunately passes away, you are unable to replace them with another animal. You would need to speak to your property manager and discuss getting permission from the owner to house your new pet.
2. Personalising/modifying the home
It’s understandable that as a tenant you would want your rental house to feel like a home – and in order to achieve this you may wish to make some modifications.
This could be as minor as hanging up a photo on the wall or something more like wanting to paint a room.
Whatever modifications you want to make, you need to speak with the property manager about getting permission from the owner first.
3. Moving in housemates who aren’t named on the lease
If you decide you’d like a housemate to move in to your rental home and share accommodation, you need to discuss this with the property manager and owner.
In the section of your rental lease titled “Maximum Number of Occupants” you will have agreed to the number of people who can live at the premises at any one time. If the addition of a housemate exceeds the agreed maximum, you will need to make a written request to the owner through the property manager.
The request you put through should clarify whether the housemate will take on the responsibilities of a tenant or if they will just be an additional occupant.
If they are just an occupant and they fall within the maximum number, you will still be required to supply your property manager with your new housemate’s personal details.
4. Damages and repairs
It’s not unusual that throughout the duration of your tenancy something on the property may be damaged or require repair.
As the tenant, it is your responsibility to report any damage to the property manager and they will organise repairs to be carried out.
For any urgent repairs, arrangements must be made by your property manager within 48 hours of you reporting the issue. The repair is not required to be completed within 48 hours, rather the owner has to take steps to undertake repairs.