The AgencyNew3 Newhaven Place, Canning ValePrevious imageNext imageBuyers Above $958,000save listing3 Newhaven Place, Canning Vale422HouseOpen Sat 1 Mar, 4:00 PM to 4:30 PMAdded 1 day agoThe AgencyJaney PagelsJaney PagelsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
The AgencyNew111 Flinders Avenue, HillarysLow to Mid $2Milssave listing111 Flinders Avenue, Hillarys533HouseAdded 1 day agoThe AgencyLisa BarhamLisa BarhamEmail the agentCall|Contact form
The AgencyNew22 Stirling Close, Swan ViewFrom $649,000save listing22 Stirling Close, Swan View312HouseOpen Mon 3 Mar, 2:00 PM to 2:30 PMAdded 5 days agoThe AgencyShane SchofieldShane SchofieldEmail the agentCall|Contact form
The AgencyNew11 Vere Parkway, Canning ValeBuyers Above $1,050,000save listing11 Vere Parkway, Canning Vale422HouseOpen Thu 27 Feb, 5:00 PM to 5:30 PMAdded 5 days agoThe AgencyJaney PagelsJaney PagelsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
The AgencyNew11 Humffray Street, BrabhamCONTACT JON WILLIAMSsave listing11 Humffray Street, Brabham422HouseOpen Sat 8 Mar, 10:00 AM to 10:45 AMAdded 5 days agoThe AgencyJon WilliamsJon WilliamsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
The AgencyNew34 Winter View, DawesvilleOA $910,000save listing34 Winter View, Dawesville322HouseOpen Sun 2 Mar, 11:15 AM to 11:45 AMAdded 5 days agoThe AgencyClinton SmithClinton SmithEmail the agentCall|Contact form