Henry Willis


"Henry is a wonderful Real Estate Agent. Henry is Professional, Knowledgeable, and Highly Respected in the Real Estate Community."
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About Henry Willis

Henry is Director and Licensee of riverandsea real estate in Mosman Park. His experience in Western Suburbs real estate spans twenty five years. He was a Director and one of the owners of Acton Real Estate before becoming a partner in Gordon Davies Real Estate. His ambition to own and manage his own bespoke real estate firm came to fruition in 2012 with the purchase of the long established (1991) Riverside from the retiring owners. His passion for real estate practice increases every year and his enjoyment of the rewards; the challenges and the constant evolution of the industry grow with this. Having grown up and gone to school in the Western Suburbs, he is an enthusiastic advocate for everything the area has to offer. His favourite pastime outside of real estate is tennis and he is an active competition player and current president of Peppermint Grove Tennis Club.

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Henry Willis

Henry Willis

riverandsea real estate

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