Dr Tony Buti appointed as new Commerce Minister

19 March 2025

"The Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA has been appointed Minister for Commerce. "

The Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA has been appointed Minister for Commerce.  

Dr Buti will also serve as WA’s Attorney General and Minister for Tertiary and International Education, and Multicultural Interests. 

He was elected to Parliament in 2010 and has held number of ministerial positions. Most recently he held the portfolios of Education, Aboriginal Affairs, Citizenship and Multicultural Interests.

REIWA looks forward to working with Minister Buti on key industry issues including the Residential Tenancies Act, Commercial Tenancies Act and Continuing Professional Development requirements for real estate professionals, Iplex pipes and licensing for strata managers. 

John Carey to continue as Housing Minister 

The Hon John Carey MLA will continue as Minister for Housing and Works. He also retained the Planning and Lands portfolios and has added Health Infrastructure to his responsibilities. 

REIWA will continue to engage with Minister Carey on housing affordability and supply issues, and the review of the Strata Titles Act.

New Minister for Homelessness appointed

The Hon Matthew Swinbourn MLC was named as the Minister for Homelessness. 

You can see the full allocation of portfolios here

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