Agent Spotlight: Natalie Hoye, director, Red Fox Property Group

20 December 2023

"I feel strongly that people deserve the dignity of a roof over their head and somewhere safe to sleep at night."

Giving back to the community is important to Natalie Hoye and she embraced the many opportunities to do so when she opened her own agency, Red Fox Property Group.

Now in their second year of supporting REIWA’s philanthropic Community REInvest program, the agency was involved in this year’s The Salvation Army Christmas Appeal, joining 55 other REIWA member agencies collecting donations of food and gifts to support those in need this holiday season.

We spoke to her about her agency’s involvement in this year’s Appeal, the other ways she supports her local community, and the advice she has for people looking for a career in real estate.

How did you get involved in real estate?

My husband and I had been buying and selling property for years. I would often have long conversations about property with our real estate agent at the time and one day he said, “why don’t you just come and work with us”.

I was running my own HR management consultancy and felt ready to make a change. I was in the position financially where I could make the leap, so I did. I realised very quickly that real estate was not a part-time job, it takes up all the hours that you give to it, and then some.

What drew you to joining REIWA’s Community REInvest program?

I feel strongly that people deserve the dignity of a roof over their head and somewhere safe to sleep at night. As one of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, food and shelter serve as the foundation for human well-being.

When I became a business owner three years ago, I got to make the decision of what I wanted to support. I signed up for Community REInvest at a REIWA CONNECT Conference about two years ago, and it’s been a great ride since.

It’s an opportunity to give back in a way that’s regular, has minimum impact on the bottom line, and does maximum good for those in need.

How was the Christmas Appeal this year?

This year’s campaign was great, we had such a lovely response from our local community. We received the boxes from the REIWA team, promoted it on our social media and in our newsletter, and everybody came together to support those in need this festive season.

It was nice to catch up with clients we haven’t seen for some time, who would drop in with bags of gifts and food to donate. It gave us an opportunity to say hello and thank our clients while doing something good for our community.

What community programs do you support outside of REIWA?

We sponsor several not-for-profit organisations, and while we can’t always provide time, we like to offer financial support where we can. From the local soccer and bowls clubs to local networking and fundraising events, we like to support programs that are primarily run by volunteers, so we know that the money goes straight back into the local area.

We’re also very active across social media, and love to highlight new local businesses through our weekly newsletter, which has an open rate between 40 and 60 per cent. People want to know what is happening in their area, so we share new local businesses that have opened, updates on any changes for the community, and local events that are happening.

As a local agent, we don’t just sell houses, we also sell lifestyles. We want people to love where they live and make the most of their neighbourhood, so feeling connected creates more of a sense of belonging.

What do you love about a career in real estate?

I love the flexibility. Even though I work an incredible number of hours, I get to plan my own day. When my kids were younger, I could take time off when needed to go to school events and be more involved throughout their younger years.

This might sound crazy, but I love the fact that the responsibility is all on me, and I am the one that profits from my own efforts and endeavours. They say that fortune favours the brave and rewards those that work hard, so I know that my efforts have a direct reward for me.

What I love more is the relationships and connections with people. You get to help people move on to their next stage of lives and help them in that transition. Ironically, I found that I could do more and help more people in real estate than I could in my HR and management consultancy roles. People really appreciate having someone there to guide and support them, whether selling for good reasons or for a significant change in their life.

What is your advice to someone thinking about a career in real estate?

It’s a fabulous career if you’re prepared to take responsibility for yourself and work hard. It can be all-consuming if you let it, but it is extremely rewarding.

I would suggest having a savings buffer so you’re able to support yourself at the start, it can be a long time between drinks. You’ve got to be prepared to invest not just time, but also money into marketing and building your personal brand.

Consistency is also key. The operators I’ve seen have long and successful careers are those who are consistent. They don’t take their foot off the accelerator, they just keep going. For me it’s letterbox drops and our weekly newsletter. These are things I’ve done throughout my entire career.

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