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Lot 100 First North Road, Kadathinni WA 6519

Offers from $2,000,000
  • Landsize 9,230,000m2
Lot 100 First North Road, Kadathinni WA 6519

Grow or graze at 'Mamre'

Situated at the intersection of First North Road and Beekeepers Road, just 23 kilometres North of Eneabba, is 'Mamre'. Already a very productive grazing property, 'Mamre' offers astute buyers a well-watered and fenced property with a blend of sand and sand over gravel soil types that are well suited to mixed farming or cropping. Total holding of 923.2 hectares on one title.
Reliable average rainfall of approximately 440mm. 775 hectares are developed, with maps provided by the vendor indicating that 614 hectares (1517 acres) are considered arable with the balance being parkland grazing

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This property at Lot 100 First North Road, Kadathinni is listed for sale by Courtney Keeffe at Elders Real Estate.

For more information about Kadathinni, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Kadathinni profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with Courtney Keeffe regarding Lot 100 First North Road, Kadathinni, please call 0429 625 007 or contact the agent via email.

Cost breakdown

  • Council rates: $8,447 / year

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Nearby schools

Eneabba Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government

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Nearby schools include Eneabba Primary School, Three Springs Primary School and Carnamah District High School.

There are currently no home opens scheduled for Lot 100 First North Road, Kadathinni.

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Lot 100 First North Road, Kadathinni is listed for sale by Courtney Keeffe at Elders Real Estate.

You can contact the agent here.

Elders Real Estate has listed this farm at Lot 100 First North Road, Kadathinni for sale with a listing price of 'Offers from $2,000,000'.