Home to 1,352 residents, Wundowie is a town in regional Western Australia with 27 houses & properties for sale in the area and surrounding suburbs. Wundowie covers an area of 55 square kilometres which comprises 571 homes and private dwellings.
Over the past year, Wundowie has experienced a 58.4% annual growth rate with a median house price of $417,500.
For more information about Wundowie, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Wundowie profile page. You may also wish to view sold properties, houses for rent in Wundowie or REIWA agents servicing the area.
The townsite of Wundowie is located in the Darling Range 72 kilometres east northeast of Perth and 31 kilometres west southwest of Northam. It is located adjacent to the original railway track from Perth to Northam, and in 1907 the Railways Department applied for a name for a newly constructed siding at the 53 Mile between Werribee and Karrijine. The name Wundowing was suggested by the Lands Department, and this was shortened to Wundowi by the Surveyor General.
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