584-602 Edward Road, NarnguluPrevious imageNext imageoffers from $1,200,000save listing584-602 Edward Road, Narngulu12649m2177m2Vacant PossessionIndustrial/WarehouseRay White Geraldton DongaraSimon WoodacreEmail the agentCall|Contact form
110 Stansfield Road, NarnguluOffers from $2,250,000.00save listing110 Stansfield Road, Narngulu135600m2Land/DevelopmentElders Real EstateAmanda MacLeodAmanda MacLeodEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Lot 1 Hardey Road, Narngulu$1,700,000save listingLot 1 Hardey Road, Narngulu4.50haVacant PossessionLand/DevelopmentRay White Geraldton DongaraPaul PirrottinaEmail the agentCall|Contact form
475B Rudds Gully Road, Narngulu$1,200,000 + GSTsave listing475B Rudds Gully Road, Narngulu2.23haIndustrial/WarehouseActivewest Real EstateMatthew PoyntonMatthew PoyntonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Lot 12 Stansfield Road, NarnguluOffers Over $1,999,000save listingLot 12 Stansfield Road, Narngulu132300m2Land/DevelopmentElders Real EstateAmanda MacLeodAmanda MacLeodEmail the agentCall|Contact form
104 & 110 Edward Road, Utakarra$1,450,000save listing104 & 110 Edward Road, Utakarra4697m2140m2Vacant PossessionIndustrial/WarehouseRay White Geraldton DongaraPaul PirrottinaEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Lot 50 Byne Park Road, BootenalEXPRESSIONS OF INTERESTsave listingLot 50 Byne Park Road, Bootenal536ac700m2Commercial FarmingThe AgencyJoel WinkleyJoel WinkleyEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1175 Edward Road, Bootenal$350,000 + GSTsave listing1175 Edward Road, Bootenal4534m2Industrial/WarehouseActivewest Real EstateMatthew PoyntonMatthew PoyntonEmail the agentCall|Contact form