Stamp duty calculator

What are the stamp duty rates in WA? View and calculate stamp duty, mortgage registration fees and transfer fees payable on your new house or land purchase in WA or interstate with REIWA's stamp duty calculator.

Stamp duty FAQs

A: Stamp duty or ‘transfer duty’ is a state tax imposed on the sale of residential properties in Western Australia. The amount of stamp duty you are required to pay on your property purchase is dependent on a number of factors, including price of the property, location and whether or not you are a first home buyer.


The general rate of duty applies to most dutiable transactions not relating to residential land, (such as commercial property, rural property that is not also used as residential property, and vacant land which does not qualify for the residential rate) and is assessed on the dutiable value of the transaction.

What are the general stamp duty rates?

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                                 DUTIABLE VALUEDUTY THRESHOLDS
$0 – $120,000$1.90 per $100 or part thereof 
$120,001 - $150,000 $2,280 + $2.85 per $100 or part thereof above $120,000
$150,001 – $360,000$3,135 + $3.80 per $100 or part thereof above $150,000
$360,001 – $725,000$11,115 + $4.75 per $100 or part thereof above $360,000
$725,001 and upwards$28,453 + $5.15 per $100 or part thereof above $725,000



Residential duty applies to residential property including primary residences, rental properties and vacant land where building commences within 5 years.

What are the residential stamp duty rates?

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$0 – $120,000$1.90 per $100 or part thereof
$120,001 – $150,000$2,280 + $2.85 per $100 or part thereof above $120,000
$150,001 – $360,000$ 3,135 + $3.80 per $100 or part thereof above $150,000
$360,001 – $725,000$11,115 + $4.75 per $100 or part thereof above $360,000
$725,001 and upwards$28,453 + $5.15 per $100 or part thereof above $725,000


This concessional rate of duty applies to a purchase of:

a) A residential property valued at less than $200,000, which will be the primary place of residence for the purchaser; or
b) A business where dutiable value is less than $200,000, which the purchaser intends to continue to run indefinitely.


What are the concessional stamp duty rates?

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$0 – $120,000$1.50 per $100 or part thereof 
$120,001 – $200,000$1,800 + $4.04 per $100 or part thereof above $120,000



A person may be entitled to apply for the first home owner rate of transfer duty if they qualify for a first home owner grant or would have otherwise qualified for a grant (had consideration been paid or for the purchase of an established home).

What are the first home owner stamp duty rates?

Established home as at 9 May 2024

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$0 – $450,000Nil
$450,001 – $600,000$15.01 per $100 or part thereof above $450,000

First home owner rate – vacant land

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$0 – $300,000Nil
$300,001 – $400,000$13.01 per $100 or part thereof above $300,000