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A million reasons to advertise on!

Did you know that attracts more than 1.5 million sessions from over 559,000 unique visitors every month, with an engagement rate of over 60%?*

As the home of WA real estate, we connect advertisers with a highly-qualified audience of property hunters when they’re active in the market. 


*Google Analytics

Advertise your Brand

With 100+ years of industry leadership and local knowledge, nobody understands WA property – and WA property hunters – better than

Our advertising solutions provide brands with premium positioning to reach our audience through banner ads, sponsored news articles, and dedicated EDMs to our database of over 39,000 subscribers who receive our newsletter every week.

To talk about the best option for you, contact Warwick Kingston, Strategy & Digital Director at Media Tonic on 9388 7844.

Advertise your business on

List your Property advertises properties for sale or rent all over WA – from residential and commercial properties in Perth, to regional and rural areas – as well as small businesses.

Promote your property with our competitively-priced listing packages, leveraging our strong audience engagement through personalised property recommendations and lead-generation tools.

For maximum visibility, you can take out a Premium Placement or Feature Property upgrade which not only boosts your position on, but also includes Google Advertising to amplify your reach to other relevant sites. 

- Property Owners

To list a property on, you must be a member of the Real Estate Institute of WA (REIWA).

If you’re a property owner looking to sell or lease your property, ask your agent if they’re a REIWA member or visit our Agent Finder page. You’ll find full agent profiles including their latest market activity and customer ratings, to help you choose the agent who’s right for you.

- Real Estate Agents

If you’re a REIWA member, please connect with your Member Engagement Representative via the Members site for more information on subscriptions, listing upgrades and banner advertising.

If you’re not yet a REIWA member, find out more about the benefits of membership