This listing at 986 GREAT NORTHERN HWY, Millendon is listed for sale by Wendy Chia and Calvin Liew at WA Property Project Marketing.
For more information about Millendon, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Millendon profile page.
If you would like to get in touch with Wendy Chia or Calvin Liew regarding 986 GREAT NORTHERN HWY, Millendon, please call Wendy on 0403 575 113 or call Calvin on 0426 560 488, or contact the agent via email.
Track this property
Track propertyThe name "Millendon" for a suburb in the Upper Swan area commemorates the historic property of Western Australia's first Advocate-General, George Fletcher Moore. Moore, an Irishman, arrived in the Colony in 1830 and in 1833 obtained land in the Swan Valley which he named "Millendon". Moore's land began to be subdivided in 1914, and was developed into large lots suitable for agriculture.
Millendon is renowned for its wineries including Lamont's, Fig Tree, Kat Gully, Olive Farm, Nelson Estate and much more. Only short drive to shops, services and schools, this peaceful suburb is located only a short distance to the famous Swan Valley.
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