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7/37 CAMBRIDGE STREET, West Leederville WA 6007

Low $300's
  • 1 Bedroom
  • 1 Bathroom
7/37 CAMBRIDGE STREET, West Leederville WA 6007

It Starts HERE!

A true entry level gem!

An ideal near city starter, pied a terre, or astute addition to any property portfolio, this light and bright ground floor studio oozes chic and punches well above its weight with cute factor to burn.

Incredibly well located in West Leederville, this is the ultimate easy care, lock and leave apartment. With timber flooring, a modern kitchen, Japanese style sliding doors which separate the living space from the bedroom, split system air-conditioning, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer all included.

This boutique complex of only 16 apartments is situated on a strategic landholding of 1,000sqm (approx.) on the corner of Cambridge and Nicholson St with 2 street frontages and features a pool and BBQ area, as well as shared parking available for residents. The location is blue chip, being walking distance to the free CAT bus, train lines and the Leederville cafe strip. Bob Hawke College, Beatty Park, Subiaco and Perth Arena which are all in close proximity.

Opportunities like this never last long so call me today to book your look!

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This property at 7/37 CAMBRIDGE STREET, West Leederville is a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment listed for sale by Sven Robertson at Haiven Property.

For more information about West Leederville, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our West Leederville profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with Sven Robertson regarding 7/37 CAMBRIDGE STREET, West Leederville, please call 0419 984 368 or contact the agent via email.

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Nearby schools

Perth Modern School
  • Secondary
  • Government

West Leederville overview

West Leederville is an established suburb within the municipality of the Town of Cambridge. Located four kilometres from Perth, it spans two square kilometres and is bound by the Mitchell Freeway in the north and east, the railway line in the south and Lake Monger in the west. 

Life in West Leederville

With Leederville, Subiaco and Perth City all close by, West Leederville straddles the balance of suburban living in an urban environment to great effect. Establishments of note include the West Leederville Shopping Centre, which exists primarily to service the grocery needs of local residents, the West Leederville Community Garden and the West Leederville Railway Station. West Leederville Primary School is the suburbs local school, with numerous others nearby.

West Leederville quick stats

High end $2.1m
Median $1.6m
Low end $1.3m
15.7 %
Annual growth
Annual median sales price
Annual median rental price

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7/37 CAMBRIDGE STREET, West Leederville is listed for sale by Sven Robertson at Haiven Property.

You can contact the agent here.

7/37 CAMBRIDGE STREET, West Leederville is a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment.

Property features are currently unavailable for this property.

There are currently no home opens scheduled for 7/37 CAMBRIDGE STREET, West Leederville.

7/37 CAMBRIDGE STREET, West Leederville has been viewed 83 times on, and has appeared 7,977 times in search results.