I have recently sold two properties in Mount Magnet! Out of these two sales I have qualified buyers on my books looking for a property. I will be providing COMPLIMENTARY DEKSTOP MARKET APPRAISALS out in the area. This appraisal comes with my compliments & there is absolutely no obligation whatsoever-it's part of my service for the community.
Call me- David Potiuch on 0421 314 018 to arrange. Over 19 years selling experience in and around the Mid West.
"Thinking REAL-ESTATE? - Then think David Potiuch at the Geraldton Property Team"
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Quotes can be arranged for settlement or finance through our 'IN HOUSE' - ONE STOP SHOP offices -
Mid West Settlements - 08 99180809
Southerly Finance Group - 08 99359007
This property at 5 Richardson Street, Mount Magnet is a three bedroom, one bathroom house sold by David Potiuch at Geraldton Property Team on 13 May 2024.
Looking to buy a similar property in the area? View other three bedroom properties for sale in Mount Magnet or see other recently sold properties in Mount Magnet.
Mount Magnet is a townsite in the Murchison goldfields, 569 kilometres northeast of Perth and 126 kilometres east of Yalgoo. Gold was discovered in the Mount Magnet area in July 1891 by the prospectors George Woodley and Tom Sampey. By late 1893 there was enough interest in the area for the government to consider declaring a townsite, and the survey was carried out in 1894 and the townsite gazetted in 1895. The railway to Mount Magnet was completed in August 1897, but it was not opened until July 1898. The railway closed in May 1978.
Mount Magnet is named after the nearby hill of the same name. The hill was named by the explorer Robert Austin in 1854, in consequence of the magnetic properties of the rocks on its summit. The Aboriginal name of the hill is Warramboo.
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