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422 (Lot 5) Albany Highway, Orana WA 6330

Offers Invited
Showrooms/Bulky Goods
Added 8 days ago
422 (Lot 5) Albany Highway, Orana WA 6330

Leased Automotive Investment - New 7 Year Net Lease

+ New 7 Year Lease to 2031 with options to 2041
+ Net Rent $240,000 pa + GST
+ Annual 3.5% increases

Burgess Rawson are pleased to offer to the market the fully leased GWM automotive dealership located at 422 Albany Hwy Orana (Albany) WA for sale via Offers Invited.

Key Investment highlights are:

+ Brand new 7 year Lease to 2031 with two 5 years Options to 2041.
+ Annual 3.5% increases
+ Landlord favourable attractive net Lease terms with the tenant responsible for all outgoings including Land Tax and management fees.
+ Experienced GWM automotive operator.
+ High profile Albany Highway location
+ Net rent $240,000 pa + GST
+ Significant 1.5732ha site
+ Busy Albany Hwy with over 16,000 vehicles per day
+ Modern Showroom with Workshop

For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact the exclusive selling agent Rob Selid 0412 198 294.

** (STCA) Subject to Council Approval

Property features

  • Floor area 1,694m2

Property snapshot by

This commercial property at 422 (Lot 5) Albany Highway, Orana is listed for sale by Rob Selid at Burgess Rawson.

It has been described by the agent as ‘Leased Automotive Investment - New 7 Year Net Lease’.

If you would like to get in touch with Rob Selid regarding 422 (Lot 5) Albany Highway, Orana, please call 0412 198 294 or contact the agent via email.

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