4 titles | 1476.4ha | approx. 1037ha arable
Ideal add on property for anyone looking for expansion opportunities in the medium rainfall region and only 10km from Pingrup and 40km from Lake Grace.
With a good percentage of productive and well drained gravelly loams across the farm there is the potential to build on the current owners work to continue to make production gains.
The property has gently undulating topography ranging from more elevated country at the top of the catchment grading to lower lying lake bank flats. Soil types vary from medium gravelly loams to more lake bank soil types.
Property has been run as a mixed cropping/sheep enterprise. The property has received good inputs in recent years with an average of 1.5t/ha lime and 100kg Nutri Till in cropping rotations.
Scheme water is connected to the property providing water security for stock and spray water. Fencing ranges in condition but there has been a large amount of new fencing erected across the property in the last 12months.
Infrastructure and Improvements include:
• Old 4 x 1 homestead in poor condition
• 3 bay garage
• Older style machinery shed and garage
• 3 stand raised board shearing shed
• Ringlock and weld mesh sheepyards with a new set of steel yards that can be installed
• Small cattleyard with loading ramp and crush
• 3 bay workshop
• Water tanks and water infrastructure
Offers from $3.4million
For a more detailed Information Memorandum or to arrange a private inspection at your convenience please call:
Kate Jefferies 0437 204 025 or kate.jefferies@raywhite.com
This property at 409 Dixon Road, Pingrup is listed for sale by Kate Jefferies at Ray White Rural WA.
For more information about Pingrup, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Pingrup profile page.
If you would like to get in touch with Kate Jefferies regarding 409 Dixon Road, Pingrup, please call 0437 204 025 or contact the agent via email.
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