If you’re looking to purchase a house in Tuart Hill now is a great time to buy, with 158 properties currently for sale in Tuart Hill and surrounding suburbs. Situated 8 kilometres from Perth, Tuart Hill is home to 7,012 residents across 2 square kilometres.
A perfect location for individuals, couples or families, Tuart Hill is located near the following local schools; Servite College, St Kieran Catholic Primary School, Tuart Hill Primary School and conveniently serviced by the following public transport, Stirling train station and Bus service to Stirling Train Station.
With an annual growth rate of 14%, Tuart Hill’s residents pay a median monthly mortgage repayment of $1,800 with a median house price of $778,000. See our suburb profile for more information. You can also browse Tuart Hill rentals or sold properties and view our list of real estate agents with houses for sale in Tuart Hill.
Are you interested in buying, renting or investing in Tuart Hill? Here at REIWA, we recognise that choosing the right suburb is not an easy choice.
To provide an understanding of the kind of lifestyle Tuart Hill offers, we've collated all the relevant market information, key facts, demographics and statistics to help you make a confident and informed decision.
Our interactive map allows you to delve deeper into this suburb and locate points of interest like transport, schools and amenities.
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