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2/39 Enterprise Crescent, Malaga WA 6090

$48,750 Annually
2/39 Enterprise Crescent, Malaga WA 6090

325sqm Office|Warehouse|Yard

- 325sqm Total Building Area
- Extensive Office Fit-Out
- 3 Phase Power Supply
- High Bay Lighting to Warehouse
- High Truss
- Front & Rear Roller Doors
- Amenities: Kitchenette with HWS and 2 x WC
- Security Perimeter Fencing and Gates
- NBN available
- Easy access to Alexander Drive and Beach Road

For more information or to view this Enterprise Crescent property, please contact one of our friendly Sales Team.

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This commercial property at 2/39 Enterprise Crescent, Malaga is listed for lease by Leo Rizzo and Robert Zeiser at Ayers Real Estate.

It has been described by the agent as ‘325sqm Office|Warehouse|Yard’.

If you would like to get in touch with Leo Rizzo or Robert Zeiser regarding 2/39 Enterprise Crescent, Malaga, please call Leo on 0418 924 075 or call Robert on 0418 150 521, or contact the agent via email.

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