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126 Greenfield Street, Boodarie WA 6722

Sold price: $896,000 Sold: 26 Mar 2023
  • 7 Bedrooms
  • 4 Bathrooms
  • 2 Cars
  • Landsize 16,313m2
126 Greenfield Street, Boodarie WA 6722

Living Big in Boodarie

Dual living and income with Vacant possession available June 2023

One of the first things you will see about this property that it is BIG from start to finish.
Set on a fabulous 1.63Ha (4.5 acres), all fully fenced.
With a 5 bedroom 2 bathroom home as well as a 2x2 Studio, perfect for visitors or a possible Air B&B subject to approval the only thing to do is make it your own.

The home is a Massive 5 Bedroom, 2 bathroom home with quality fixtures, including 3 separate internal living areas, a formal lounge and separate kids play room or theatre you will be able to relax and entertain.

A well appointed, deluxe kitchen with large breakfast bar and lots of storage will provide enough space for even the largest of families.

Spacious main bedroom with walk in robes and ensuite.
All rooms have built in robes.
Extra large family living area with access to a back patio designed for year round enjoyment.
A whopper of a shed with good access and a breeze to keep it comfortable.
To really get an idea of what a big home this is, please come and have a look, you will be impressed.

The occupants are long term tenants and look after the property very well.

To see what is possible call Lisa on 0407 196 689
" List with Lisa"

Water rates $268.97
TOPH $3,434.74

Crawford Realty makes every effort to ensure the information provided on this property is deemed to be correct at the time of publishing. Prospective buyers should view the property before making their decision.

Property features

  • Garages 2
  • Floor area 245m2

Property snapshot by

This property at 126 Greenfield Street, Boodarie is a seven bedroom, four bathroom house sold by Lisa Jones at Crawford Realty on 26 Mar 2023.

Looking to buy a similar property in the area? View other seven bedroom properties for sale in Boodarie or see other recently sold properties in Boodarie.

Cost breakdown

  • Council rates: $3,434 / year
  • Water rates: $268 / year

Nearby schools

Cassia Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government
Baler Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government
Hedland Senior High School
  • Secondary
  • Government
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
  • Primary
  • Non-government
Strelley Community School
  • Combined
  • Non-government

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Crawford Realty

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The average number of selling days in Boodarie is 84 days.

126 Greenfield Street, Boodarie was sold by Lisa Jones at Crawford Realty.

You can contact the agent here.

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