11 Amesbury Loop, Butler WA 6036

Under Offer by Ayers|More Listings Wanted
11 Amesbury Loop, Butler WA 6036

Under Offer by Ayers|More Listings Wanted

- 1,104sqm Total Land Area
- 440sqm (approx) Warehouse
- 121sqm (approx) Ground Floor Office and Amenities
- 116sqm (approx) First Floor Mezzanine and Airlock
- High Truss
- 2 x Direct Access Motorised Roller Doors
- 3 Phase Power Supply and LED Lights
- Amenities include: Kitchenette, 2 x WCs and Shower
- 14 x Car Bays
- Concrete Parking Apron with room for Container Set-Down
- Garrison Fencing and Remote Controlled Gates
- Zoning: Service Industrial
- Detailed Building Plans available upon request

For more information about this Amesbury Loop property, please contact one of our Sales Team.

Property features

  • Land area 1,104m2

Property snapshot by reiwa.com

This commercial property at 11 Amesbury Loop, Butler is listed for sale by Leo Rizzo and Robert Zeiser at Ayers Real Estate.

It has been described by the agent as ‘Under Offer by Ayers|More Listings Wanted’.

If you would like to get in touch with Leo Rizzo or Robert Zeiser regarding 11 Amesbury Loop, Butler, please call Leo on 0418 924 075 or call Robert on 0418 150 521, or contact the agent via email.

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