Grass Patch

About Grass Patch

Grass Patch townsite is located on the Coolgardie-Esperance Highway, 79 kilometres north of Esperance. A townsite here was proposed in 1910, when the government was planning to build a railway from Esperance to Norseman, and land in the area was being opened up. "The Esperance Land and Railway League" particularly pushed for the townsite to be developed, but it was 15 years before the railway was built. The area was well known as "Grass Patch", a nearby farm of this name having been settled around 1896, and renowned for bountiful crops and good grass. However, when the townsite was gazetted in 1923, the local settlers sought a more suitable name, and nominated three names, "Warden" being the one selected as most suitable. Objections were soon received to this name, and later the same year it was changed to Grass Patch.

Grass Patch quick stats

  • Postcode


  • Population


  • Local government


Sales growth
* Median sales price
Rental growth
* Median rental price

Suburb prices

Grass Patch

Total percentage change in annual median house price over the last 1, 5 or 10 years.

Suburb interest level

Average online views per property

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This is based on views of residential properties for sale in this suburb within the last 14 days.


Scaddan Primary School
  • Primary
  • Government
Wongutha Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School
  • Secondary
  • Non-government

Property and demographics

Current residential listings for Grass Patch

Agents active in this suburb