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Lot 100 Brand Highway, Bookara WA 6525

  • Landsize 17.51ha
Lot 100 Brand Highway, Bookara WA 6525


Discover the perfect blend of rural charm and agricultural potential with this expansive mixed farming property located along the picturesque Brand Highway in Bookara. Spanning an impressive 17.51 hectares, this versatile land offers a unique opportunity for those looking to embrace the countryside lifestyle or expand their farming endeavors.

Located just off the Brand Highway, this property provides easy access to nearby towns and amenities while maintaining the privacy and tranquility of rural living.

Whether you're seeking a serene retreat, a productive farming venture, or a combination of both, Lot 100 Brand Highway in Bookara is the perfect canvas for your dreams. Don't miss this opportunity to own a slice of the countryside!

For more information or to schedule a viewing, please contact us today!

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This property at Lot 100 Brand Highway, Bookara is listed for sale by John Cooper at Harcourts Dongara.

For more information about Bookara, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Bookara profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with John Cooper regarding Lot 100 Brand Highway, Bookara, please call 0428 427 823 or contact the agent via email.

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Walkaway Primary School
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Wandina Primary School
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Lot 100 Brand Highway, Bookara has been viewed 246 times on, and has appeared 1,568 times in search results.

You can calculate your mortgage repayments using our mortgage calculator.

Nearby schools include Walkaway Primary School, Wandina Primary School and Mount Tarcoola Primary School.

Lot 100 Brand Highway, Bookara is a 0 bedroom, 0 bathroom farm.

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