If you’re looking to purchase a house in Roleystone now is a great time to buy, with 70 properties currently for sale in Roleystone and surrounding suburbs. Situated 30 kilometres from Perth, Roleystone is home to 6,634 residents across 39 square kilometres.
A perfect location for individuals, couples or families, Roleystone is located near the following local schools; Roleystone Community College and conveniently serviced by the following public transport, Kelmscott train station and Bus service to Kelmscott Train station.
With an annual growth rate of 16.3%, Roleystone’s residents pay a median monthly mortgage repayment of $2,116 with a median house price of $872,500. See our suburb profile for more information. You can also browse Roleystone rentals or sold properties and view our list of real estate agents with houses for sale in Roleystone.
Roleystone is a predominantly rural area with some rural-residential areas. Part of the City of Armadale, it is bound to the north by the Shire of Kalamunda, to the east by the Shires of York and Beverley, the Brookton Highway in the south and Kelmscott in the west. With a total land area of 187 square kilometres, Roleystone is a low density suburb.
Characterised by its numerous parklands and agriculture use (particularly orchards), Roleystone's beautiful undulating landscape is impressive. Some major features include the Darling Range National Park, Araluen Botanic Park and the Araluen Country Club and Golf Course. The commercial and retail requirements of Roleystone residents are serviced by neighbouring shopping centres in Kelmscott and Armadale.
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