If you’re looking to purchase a house in Dianella now is a great time to buy, with 279 properties currently for sale in Dianella and surrounding suburbs. Situated 10 kilometres from Perth, Dianella is home to 23,486 residents across 11 square kilometres.
A perfect location for individuals, couples or families, Dianella is located near the following local schools; Australian Islamic - Dianella, Carmel School, Dianella Heights Primary School, Dianella Primary College, Dianella Secondary College, Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre, North East Metropolitan Language Development Centre, North Morley Primary School, Our Lady's Assumption School, St Andrew's Grammar, Sutherland Dianella Primary School, West Morley Primary School and conveniently serviced by the following public transport, No train service train station and Bus service to Perth CBD.
With an annual growth rate of 21.1%, Dianella’s residents pay a median monthly mortgage repayment of $2,000 with a median house price of $890,000. See our suburb profile for more information. You can also browse Dianella rentals or sold properties and view our list of real estate agents with houses for sale in Dianella.
Dianella is a large established suburb that experienced its most significant development during the 'boom' years of the 1960s. Characterised by a variant range of home styles, Dianella has everything from modest post-war dwellings to expansive, contemporary double-storey homes dominating its landscape.
The Dianella Regional Open Space is a significant fixture of the suburb. Located in the heart of Dianella, the space is a landmark of the community providing locals with numerous recreational opportunities and includes a community centre, tennis courts and a soccer field. The suburbs main shopping centre is the Dianella Plaza, however there are a number of other small shops throughout that cater to basic retail requirements. Also in Dianella are several schools, a public library and a senior citizens centre.
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