86 Eudoria Street, GosnellsPrevious imageNext imagePrice on Applicationsave listing86 Eudoria Street, Gosnells410m2Vacant PossessionMedical/ConsultingAGORA Property GroupMax VaghellaMax VaghellaEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Under offer86 Eudoria Street, GosnellsUnder Offersave listing86 Eudoria Street, Gosnells1315m2410m2OtherThe AgencyTeam RashTeam RashEmail the teamCall|Contact form
New4/5 Church Road, MaddingtonCONTACT AGENT!save listing4/5 Church Road, Maddington335m2346m2Vacant PossessionIndustrial/WarehouseAdded 3 days agoProProperty GroupDaniel SaadEmail the agentCall|Contact form
172 & 176 Maddington Road, MaddingtonOffers from $5,600,000save listing172 & 176 Maddington Road, Maddington12477m21,564m2Industrial/WarehouseSterling PropertyColm McHughColm McHughEmail the agentCall|Contact form
12 Burnley Street, ThornlieOFFERSsave listing12 Burnley Street, Thornlie1550m2370m2OtherThe AgencyDoreen SharmaDoreen SharmaEmail the agentCall|Contact form
8 &12 Ferres Drive, MartinPrice on Applicationsave listing8 &12 Ferres Drive, Martin5047m2Vacant PossessionLand/DevelopmentRay White Commercial (WA)Victor AloiEmail the agentCall|Contact form
13/2756 Albany Highway, KelmscottPrice on Applicationsave listing13/2756 Albany Highway, Kelmscott183m2RetailBurgess RawsonRob SelidRob SelidEmail the agentCall|Contact form