SVN CommercialPortion of 56 Wirrega Road, JandabupPrevious imageNext imageContact Agentsave listingPortion of 56 Wirrega Road, Jandabup18000m21m2Land/DevelopmentSVN CommercialGavin LilleymanGavin LilleymanEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1G/1 Trandos Road, Neerabup$25/m2 + $1.25 Outgoings + GSTsave listing1G/1 Trandos Road, Neerabup40000m2Land/DevelopmentJohnson Property GroupChris FarrisChris FarrisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1H/1 Trandos Road, Neerabup$25/m2 + $1.25 Outgoings + GSTsave listing1H/1 Trandos Road, Neerabup10000m2Land/DevelopmentJohnson Property GroupChris FarrisChris FarrisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1C/1 Trandos Road, Neerabup###UNDER OFFER###$25/m2 + GSTsave listing1C/1 Trandos Road, Neerabup4000m2Land/DevelopmentJohnson Property GroupChris FarrisChris FarrisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
65 Prindiville Drive, WangaraUnder Offersave listing65 Prindiville Drive, Wangara24500m22,871m2Land/DevelopmentSterling PropertyColm McHughColm McHughEmail the agentCall|Contact form